Public Notice regarding the renewal of recognition of the organizations recognized with the AWBIDownload
Engagement of one Legal Advisor (01 No.) on contract basis in the office of Animal Welfare Board of IndiaDownload
Fraud Warning DisclaimerDownload
Public Notice regarding ban on dangerous dog breedsDownload
Public Notice regarding the cancellation of nomination as HAWO/HDAWO/HSAWO/HLAWODownload
Message on World Rabies Day 2023Download
- All the Gaushalas / Animal Welfare Organisations / Animal Owners / Production Companies / Turf Clubs/ Circuses are requested to mandatorily apply online for all the services of AWBI
- All the producers applying for the final NOC, need not to pay Rs. 30,000 if they have paid fees at the time of pre-shoot application..
Withdrawal of appeal issued for Celebration of the Cow Hug Day on 14th FebruaryDownload
Increase in the amount of application fees for Recognition, Financial Assistance under various schemes implemented by the Board and application under Performing Animals (Registration) Rules, 2001Download