Advisory for the Care and Maintenance of Case Property Animals dated 27.12.2021Download
Message to celebrate a compassionate and eco-friendly DeepavaliDownload
Urgent request to ensure Compliance of Transport of Animals Rules, 1978 (amended in 2OO1 and 2OO9) under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 196O (PCA Act) in regard to Illegal Cattle Transportation at the India-Nepal Border - dated 29.10.2024Download
Implementation of Animal Birth Control Rules, 2023Download
Request for closure of slaughter house(s) on the auspicious occasion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi being celebrated in the Country on 2nd October, 2024Download
Request for closure of slaughter house(s) on the auspicious occasion of Paryushan/Daslaskhan Parva being celebrated in the country - dated 31.08.2024Download
Request for Providing Temporary Shelter and Safeguarding Stray Animals During the Monsoon Season dated 10.07.2024Download
Stopping of illegal killing/sacrifices of cows/calves, camels and other animals on the occasion of Bakrid dated 05.06.2024Download
Request to avoid exposure of direct heat and to take care of animals during extreme hot weather dated 18.04.2024Download
Request to issue necessary amendment in the notification issued under the Environmental Protection Act, 1986, for the prohibition of all harmful sharp threads or Manjha used for kite flying activities dated 25.04.2024Download
Assistance of State/UT Fire services Department for Animal Rescue in Precarious Situations - Request for Cooperation dated 05.02.2024Download
Restriction of unauthorized inspection of Organization/Individuals inspecting AWOs/Gaushalas/Circuses etc. dated 13.03.2020Download
Provide bedding and cots to stray animals during the winter dated 26.12.2023Download
Request for disclosing the particulars of Gochar/grazing land available in each village and make the same available for grazing of cows in respective states dated 23-02-2021Download
Rescue and Rehabilitation of Animals Affected in Cyclone Download
Advisory on International Meatless Day dated 24.11.2023Download
दिवाली पर पंचगव्य से बने उत्पादों के उपयोग करने का परामर्शDownload
Stopping of illegal killing/sacrifices of cows/calves, camels and other animals on the occasion of Bakrid dated 21.06.2023Download
Rescue and rehabilitation of animals affected by Cyclone Biparjoy in Gujarat dated 14.06.2023Download
Request to avoid exposure of direct heat to draught and pack animal and to take care of animals during extreme hot weather during transportation on foot dated 01.06.2023Download
Request to celebrate World Sparrow Day on 20.03.2023Download
Request for placing of water bowls for the birds and animals dated 27.02.2023Download
Handbook for Veterinary Officers on Animal Welfare LawsDownload
Law Enforcement on Animal Welfare (IO handbook)Download
Mass killing of dogs and stray dogs menace dated 10.10.2022Download
Request for closure of slaughter house(s) on the auspicious occasion of Paryushan Daslaskhan Parva being celebrated in the country dated 17.08.2022Download
General Awareness in regard to the Lumpy (Skin) Disease in Cattle/BovineDownload
Request to make adequate number of animal crematorium and incinerator in each district of every state and UTs to dispose the cadavers in environmentally acceptable mannerDownload
Request to properly implement and circulate the standard protocol for the adoption of community animals dated 17.05.2022Download
Request to ensure proper implementation of AWBI Advisories/Circulars issued to prevent unnecessary pain and sufferings to animals amid COVID-19 pandemic dated 21.01.2022Download
Advisory for implementation of Animal Birth Control Programme dated 17.12.2021Download
Advisory to use artistic and technological means instead of live animals in films, advertisements, TV-shows and on digital content dated 22.11.2021Download
Advisory to ensure ban on keeping the aerial birds in cages dated 22.07.2021Download
Request to activate the functioning of State Animal Welfare Board dated 28.06.2021Download
Request to initiate necessary action on the following points regarding animal welfare issues dated 28.06.2021Download
Request to initiate action on animal welfare issues dated 28.06.2021Download
Request to initiale actions for making effective utilization of veterinary hospitals and to provide 24 hour veterinary service dated 28.06.2021Download
Stopping of illegal killing/sacrifices of Cows/Calves, Camels and other animals and taking action against the offenders for violation of Transport of Animals Rules on the occasion of Bakra Id dated 25.06.2021Download
Advisory for proper implementation of Care and Maintenance of case property Animals Rules, 2017 dated 15.06.2021Download
Request to ensure proper implementation of AWBI Advisories/Circulars issued to prevent unnecessary pain and sufferings to animals amid COVID-19 pandemic dated 27.05.2021Download
Allocation of funds for feeding community animals and recognition of veterinary service providers, animal activities and animal feeders as frontline workers dated 21.05.2021Download
Advisory to identify sufficient number of feeding spots for stray dogs in every district and to properly implement the (AWBI Revised Guidelines on Pet dogs and street dogs) dated 03.03.2021Download
Withdrawing letter dated 06.08.2020 for closure of slaughter house on the occasion of Paryushan Parva dated 11.08.2020Download
WITHDRAW - Request for closure of slaughter house(s) on the auspicious occasion of Paryushan Parva from 15-08-2020 to 24-08-2020. dated 06.08.2020Download
Circular to allow pet owners to take their pets out for nature’s calls and walks/exercise due to the COVID19 dated 01.06.2020Download
Advisory on feeding the birds and animals during COVID 19 dated 25.04.2020Download
Circular dated 07.04.2020 requesting inter state movement and supply of animal feed/foodder to Gaushalas, Pinjrapoles and shelter houses to feed their animals dated 07.04.2020Download
Circular dated 24.03.2020 regarding evacuation of animals and birds from the Pet Shops by District Authorities dated 23.03.2020Download
Circular dated 23.03.2020 allowing individuals/volunteers to provide food and water to street animals and birds dated 23.03.2020Download
Circular dated 11.03.2020 regarding all animals lovers not to leave their pet animals or inffict cruelty due to the Covid - 19 dated 11.03.2020Download
Request to take action against the animal owners who are straying their cattle on the roads inflicting cruelty to animals dated 27.02.2020Download
Advisory to sterilize and immunize stray cats-(16-10-18)Download
Advisory to Establish and/or Activate District Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(SPCAs) in every district - Draft memorandum/bye-laws attached for adoption as per your requirement-(1-10-18)Download
Advisory on Immense cruelty and illegality perpetrated during export of live animal/live stocks including small ruminants such as sheep, goats etc. specially during their transport-(1-10-18)Download
Prevention of Sacrifice / Slaughtering and transportation of the Animals in violation of the Laws, Rules, Regulations, directions.-(20-07-18)Download
Advisory to initiate necessary action for rescue and rehabilitation of stray animals-(12-07-18)Download
Advisory to all States/UTs regarding nomination of HDAWO/HSAWO/HSLAWO-(08-06-18)Download
Advisory for necessary action for the implementation of the provisions of PCA (Care and Maintenance of Case Property Animals) Rules 2017-(03-05-18)Download
Advisory on furnishing the details of the one or two Municipal Council / Municipalities facing financial problem for implementation of the Animal Birth Control Programme for sterilization and immunization of stray dogs.-(05-03-18)Download